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BE BETTER is a community of like minded individuals, encouraging, empowering and supporting one another. BE BETTER is a revolution!


It is a lifestyle! This is my journey. It is my quest to get back up. You are allowed an intimate look inside my journey, in hopes that it will help you BE BETTER. I only have one resolution for this year and every year going forward. BE BETTER! In every area and aspect of my life that I can, I choose to BE BETTER. In my health, in my marriage, as a father, as a friend, in my profession, in my finances, in my stewardship. I choose to BE BETTER.


The BE BETTER Community is for people who are ready to commit to BE BETTER. If you are ready to live your purpose and live a life that you have always dreamed of, then the BE BETTER community is for you.

Jody McPhearson

BE BETTER is a a mindset! BE BETTER is a belief!

BE BETTER is a personal commitment to change.

Not for the sake of change, but to become the

best version of ourselves that we possibly can.

Join the BE BETTER Community
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